Hurricane season is closer than you think.

When a storm is coming, it's important to take proper precautions to secure your boat to minimize damage or loss.

Here are some steps you can take to tie up your boat before a storm:

  1. If you can, move your boat to a sheltered area: If possible, move your boat to a sheltered area to avoid exposure to high winds and waves.
  2. Use double lines: Use double lines, attaching two separate lines to each cleat, and tie each line to a different point on the dock or mooring. This will help distribute the load and reduce the risk of a single line breaking.
  3. Use the right type of lines: Use lines that are appropriate for your boat's size and weight, and ensure they are in good condition without any fraying or wear.
  4. Use chafe protection: Use chafe protection, such as rubber hose or old garden hose, to cover any points where the lines may rub against the dock or boat and wear through.
  5. Allow for tidal changes: Allow for tidal changes by adjusting the lines as the water level rises or falls.
  6. Remove any loose items: Remove any loose items, such as canvas covers or fenders, from the boat to prevent them from getting blown away or causing damage to the boat or other nearby vessels.
  7. Consider additional measures: Additional C-Marine Products Boat Dock Bumpers, Adding extra lines, taking down sails and other canvas, removing electronics and anything else small and valuable.

It's important to always keep an eye on your boat during a storm and adjust the lines as necessary to ensure it remains secure.

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